IBS 45 - PHILIPPIANS 3:12-13

Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead,
Philippians 3:12-13

I have been called to die to my rights and live in Him. This isn’t something that will be obtained this side of heaven. But I’ve also been called to keep going forward because I can’t lay hold of it for myself but Christ has attained it for us. And I lack understanding but I know I must seek Him and look at what He has for me in this moment right in front of me. Because I haven’t been called to worry. I haven’t been called to do it on my own. But to die to my desires that lead me to think that’s the right thing. I won’t attain perfection here. That’s my biggest struggle at times. Because I feel that I should already be there. I should be perfect in talking and loving and living and everything. So I push on in my own strength. I try to make myself perfect. I try to make it through all the struggles in my head. When Christ is right there. He is perfection I must only receive Him. I focus on my past. I look at every single thing that I have failed at or those who have failed me. I keep my eyes looking back when He called me to look forward. To be faithful in the moment. He has a purpose and a plan for all of it. But I must keep my eyes on Him. I am a work in progress; but I have a hope that He will surely complete it. Because in Him I lack nothing. Because I can’t understand, but He is God. He is faithful. He has got this. 

Application- I will write this verse on a bookmark and put it in my bible. 


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