IBS 71 - PROVERBS 2:4-5

If you seek her as silver, And search for her as for hidden treasures; Then you will understand the fear of the Lord, And find the knowledge of God. 
Proverbs 2:4-5 

You must seek wisdom. To find wisdom you must seek the Lord, for He is the one who gives wisdom and knowledge and understanding. And as we seek the Lord and learn more of Him we will fear Him, and we will begin to grow in wisdom. As psalm 111:10 says “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever.” We must fear Him. As I spend more and more time with God the more I realize the greatness of who He is. And the reality that He is so much bigger than I can even understand. He cannot be explained with words, for there are not enough. He alone is God and worthy of all praise. He is also to be feared. And we are called to fear. Not to be so afraid we never come close. But to see Him as He is in all His goodness and holiness and perfection should strike fear in my heart, for I am not. He is YAHWEH. And He has formed the heavens and the earth. He made man out of dust. He fashioned time and created all things. And He desires to redeem me from my sin that I may once again have fellowship with Him, so He sent His one and only Son. Jesus came and died for me. He defeated death and rose again. He then ascended and is now preparing a place for me. And this sovereign God. Who is Lord of all creation desires an intimate relationship with me. How can I not fear? But in the drawing near, I no longer have to be afraid. Because He loves me. He desires for me to dwell under the shadow of His wings. And I must seek for Him. He will be there, He doesn’t run. He wants to have a relationship with me, and as I draw near He will give me wisdom and understanding. He will keep my feet from slipping. I want to seek Him as hidden treasure, and to apply my heart to His word. I want to fear leaving Him. For He is my God. And in Him is all I need. 


  1. I too have been meditating on what it is to have wisdom. I love how you explained it in this post mija.


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