IBS 59 - PSALM 25:4-5
Show me Your ways, O Lord; Teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, For You are the God of my salvation; On You I wait all the day.
Psalm 25:4-5
This has been my desire since being in Costa Rica. There has been a great desire to lean and understand truth. And a desire to go deeper in my relationship with Him. I have had this prayer for Him to show me His ways. And to teach me His truth. Because in the midst of the fire it’s what I cling to. As the days are long and the weeks seem to fly by I want to to seek Him and wait on Him. It is so easy to get caught up in the past or be way to focused on the future. I find the biggest battles to be in my mind and thoughts. Still in all of it I know He is my strong tower and refuge. Knowing that I go into battle fighting from victory because He has overcome and is with me. He is my salvation on Whom I wait. Being here has shown me how easily I can be led by things that aren’t Christ. I can be led by emotions or even my self, when really I should be led by His truth. And He has very much so been doing and showing me a new thing in the way He provides enough for everyday. I am learning to be faithful to now. To this day. And to Him. To be here and present being thankful for this day and this moment. Trusting that He is in charge of my future. And that He was sovereign over my past. And that He is with me in my present. He desires for me to be with Him and waiting on Him today. Not falling into the sin of fear or worry. He is good and He is faithful. He will teach me and lead me. I must just make the choice to once again surrender. And trust. And follow. Because He is faithful to lead me and guide me even when I can’t see and don’t understand. I can trust Him. He is my salvation. On Him I wait.
This is so true Vanessa, HE is our strong tower and He is able to do all this in your life and more. Continue to press on, knowing that he will carry you and he will sustain you!