IBS 38 - 2 CORINTHIANS 13:11

Finally, brethren, farewell. Become complete. Be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you.
II Corinthians 13:11

He was encouraging them in what they should continue in. He knew that in and of themselves they could do none of this but he also knew they had of the Lord. I think this is something that has been lived out here even though it hasn’t always been easy. When he talks about them being complete I believe it is talking about being complete in Him as the Body. Because in Him we lack no good thing. And in Him we are totally and completely found. Then in that way being brought together as His people, who are complete in Him. And in that unity of being complete we are able to comfort one another. In the oneness of being restored and complete we are able to be there for one another and comfort each other. Which is a beautiful and joy filled privilege. And because of that we are able to fellowship in one mind and have peace. And God is and will be with us. As I said before it’s not always been easy to come together in that way when emotions are heightened and you are with the same people every single day. It is easy to have disunity and be aggravated or get hurt or just be done. But the God of love and peace is with us. And we have faithful leaders who encourage us everyday to walk in unity. And we also have brothers and sisters who are ready to help when you lack. God has been gracious and sweet in the family He has given here. And has taught me so much more of what it means to be complete in Him. And what it means for the Body to be one. Because it’s not always easy, but it’s always worth it.  

Application - I will pray with Thalia for continued unity in our class, and for God to continue His work in each of our classmates. 


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