IBS 21 - HEBREWS 5:8
though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered.
Hebrews 5:8
Obedience seems hard. It seems hard to lay down what I want and do what someone else is telling me to do. It’s hard to trust that they are right, or even that they have my best interest in mind. It’s hard to not make the choice to rebel and do what I want even after knowing what has been asked of me. So for me, obedience can be hard. Even if not in my actions, I can be disobedient in my heart. Christ’ life is and was a beautiful thing. I wonder how Mary felt in watching Jesus’ obedience. Not only was He 100% man but 100% God. He was in total and complete surrender to the Fathers will, and lived a sin less life. I’m sure that made being a parent tons easier, but I wonder the astonishing way it made her see her own life. As she was still sinful, still struggled in her own life obeying the Lord. Jesus, was obedient to the point of death. He hung on a cross for me, beaten, battered, and bruised. He was pierced for my transgressions. He rose to give me life. And He in all of it was surrendered. He lived a life of obedience. He obeyed the Father in a way of abandon, He completely understood the way He was being called to live and so He did. He learned obedience in His suffering. He learned obedience when the enemy tempted Him. He understands our humanness because He was here, walking among us, the lowly. And in all that He learned and knew and understood that He must walk in obedience with the Father. Because they are One. And that is beautiful. Because obedience is beautiful. It’s a glorious thing to walk in the Fathers will. And to know Joy and His Spirit because we desire to know Him and meet Him in His will. I pray He shows me the beauty in obedience. Because it is beautiful. That He delights in us, and desires to know us, and desires to lead us. So I want to walk where He’s called me to walk. And I wanna talk when He calls me to talk. And share what He’s called me to share, because He is my All. And so as hard as it can be to pray, His will be done, and may my heart be one of obedience and not rebellion. Because Jesus learned in His sufferings, and He will also show me in my sufferings. But I can trust and know He will lead me in paths of righteousness. And He will be with me.
Application- I will write “obedience is beautiful” on my arm as a reminder during the day. Anna will keep me accountable, and pray with me throughout the day. I will share with her at the end of the day.
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