IBS 15 - HEBREWS 6:12
that you do not become sluggish, but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.
Hebrews 6:12
That you do not become sluggish, lazy, slothful. But we’re called to imitate those who have inherited the promise through their faith and patience. In other words through perseverance they’ve inherited the promises. The thing that first hit me was that they also were imitating someone. Christ. First we are called to not be lazy. I believe we’re called to work hard at whatever it is we are doing. Whether cleaning, leading in ministry, or just living life working at a profession. Not in a way of earning anything, but we represent the Lord. They way we live represents Him. So doing all things unto Him, I believe a strong work ethic is also something we should have. Knowing whatever we are doing is to glorify our Father in Heaven. And in that imitating those who have inherited the promises. So many have come before us in the Faith. We have so many examples in our Faith and the way it looks lived out. Not that anyone is better or higher than anyone, but their lives our for us to learn from. Seeing their mistakes and the Wins in their lives for Christ. Their lives saying “ imitate me, as I imitate Christ. “ Being able to see even in their humanness that they chased after a God who loved them. That same God who loves me. He who stays the same forever. With no beginning and no end. The One who knows me through and through. And seeing the way Christ lived His life here on this earth gives me hope. For every imitation there is an original. Christ is our original. We see His life and ministry here on earth. We will never be able to be perfect here on earth, but we know He is continually working in us to finish that work. Because He who began the work will be faithful to finish it. So I know He will empower me by His spirit to do the work He has called me to do. Because He knows I can’t do it. But He will in and through me. Through Christ’s perfect and constant surrender to the Father, He carried out His will. He persevered and died on the cross. Now I am called to also persevere through this difficult world. With all it’s trials and tribulations, constantly surrendering to the Father knowing that if I just lay my life down, His perfect will, will be done. Because my flesh is weak. But He is strong. So I will stand fast, and press on. I will persevere. For He who went before me, and He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world.
Application - I will write “ persevere “ on my arm to remind myself that I must persevere in Him. Anna will hold me accountable and I will share with her at the end of the day.
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