I, John, both your brother and companion in the tribulation and kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was on the island that is called Patmos for the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.
Revelation 1:9 

John was exiled to Patmos. But he doesn’t even start with that or say that. He says that he’s on the island for the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. Which is true, but I know if I’d been exiled and was writing a letter I would’ve said a lot more. John went through a lot as a follower of Jesus. Yet he endured and counted all of it a joy for Christ’s kingdom. So many times in my pursuit of God I lose focus. I begin to try and follow others or myself. I can at times easily be led by my emotions. I stop counting the cost, and start counting what I’ve lost. I start to look at everything I’ve had to lay down and get sad, upset or angry. I begin to ask why, why couldn’t I hold on to this, or to that, or the other thing. As soon as I take the focus off of Him it goes onto something that is  wrong. In my own humanness I fix my eyes on what I can see. When I’ve been called to live by faith in Him. He wants to lead me. He wants to be my one desire. And I, in my flesh, fight against it. But He still restores, He calls me back out of the wilderness and into His presence. There He reminds me I count the cost and I count it all joy to be more like Him. Because He desires to hold me in the fire so He can burn away all my impurities. He is using the trial and the laying down of things that don’t glorify Him to continue His work in me. So as my perfect Father who loves me, He asks me to persevere. To stand fast and know that I am not alone. He goes before me and beside me. And just as He was using Johns time on Patmos for His glory, He desires to do the same for me. 

Application - I will write “ press on “ on my arm, to remember and pray through out the day for perseverance. Emily will hold me accountable and I will share with her at the end of the day. 


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