You shall walk after the LORD your God and fear Him, and keep His commandments and obey His voice; you shall serve Him and hold fast to Him.
Deuteronomy 13:4
This was a call to Israel to not stray after Gods even if there were “signs” that they had power. Moses was warning them that their faith would be tested by God. He was going to try them and their hearts to see if they really followed Him. I believe God still does the same today. I believe everyday we are tested to show us the fickleness of our hearts. I know everyday I endure trials that are difficult and at times seem unsurpassable, and I must choose, will I stay faithful to my God or turn to my self. Walking through the fire opens our eyes to whom we truly rely on when the going gets tough. So as Moses is telling them that God will test them, he also calls them to walk faithfully with God, and to fear, obey, and serve Him. He also tells them to hold fast to Him. And I believe this call still remains then same for us, and for me. As I go through my life and as I am tested day by day I was hold fast to Him. I must obey God and take Him at His word. I must faithfully walk with Him and fear Him. Serving Him always for He is awesome, mighty and worthy. To know that this is what I am called to every day is beautiful. And I know that I will not always succeed, if anything I will always fail, but He will continues to grow me in this process of sanctification. But as my pride is broken I will grow. And I will be able to faithfully follow my God and hold fast to Him.
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