Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser; teach a righteous man, and he will increase in learning.
Proverbs 9:9

It is a wise thing to remain teachable and moldable and eager to learn. For a wise man to become wiser when he receives instruction means that he must apply what he has been instructed in. Because that is wisdom. Applying what you know. I want that. So many times I receive instruction and I tuck it in the back of my mind and keep it there. It never is used. I seem to think that just knowing it will get me somewhere. But I have to also live it out, which is at times the hardest thing to do. But God desires for us to also be doers of the word. It’s what really puts our faith and what we say we believe into action. It is wise. And we grow so much. As we are continually learning and being instructed, then we apply it and live it out and now we are becoming more like Him. It is beautiful to know He is continually working in us. And He desires for us to grow closer to Him by growing in knowing His word and His truth. He is faithful to pour into us. But we must be careful to not let what He is showing us just become head knowledge. But letting it be something that is continually changing us inwardly to look, and live, and love more like Him.


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