IBS 69 - 1 CORINTHIANS 10:23-24

All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful; all things are lawful for me, but not all things edify. Let no one seek his own, but each one the other’s well-being.
I Corinthians 10:23-24

You will be known by your love. (John 13:35) It’s crazy to me how easily I live for myself. My wants, desires, satisfactions. It’s something that should be so different. How crazy different would my testimony for Christ be if I sought to love my brothers and sisters more than myself? 

It’s very easy to feel entitled to my own “rights” as I go through my days. Yet how many of my “rights” truly glorify my Father? How many of them are me walking in love? How many of them are stumbling my family and causing confusion? As a new creation, as a daughter of the most high should my life not look radically different than that of the world? So if they go on and at times live lives caring more so of how they love others shouldn’t that convict me? I want to be above reproach. And truly I believe that all starts by looking at my life and letting go of my “rights”, and choosing to love. To make the choice to see growth and edification in the body that come from me choosing to be more like Jesus, and choosing to serve and love. 


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