IBS 67 - GALATIANS 5:4-6

You have become estranged from Christ, you who attempt to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace. For we through the Spirit eagerly wait for the hope of righteousness by faith. For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but faith working through love.
Galatians 5:4-6

Faith working through love, in Christ, is what avails. It is what counts. Because we cannot justify ourselves. Yet so often it is what we aim to do. We think if we just work hard enough, if outwardly we do the right amount of primping and polishing and we put on the right face we will be good. That’s a place I understand. Something that the Lord did in training was restoring me to the joy of my salvation. I was restored to Him. For almost a year and a half I had been asleep, in my walk and the ministry He has called me to. I hadn’t been doing anything for Him, it was all for me. For my glory. I was trying to do the right amount that would justify me. The right amount that would make me better. I lost sight of what He had called me to. I had fallen into works and fallen out of grace. After being restored to the joy of my salvation in training, He has now been showing me that I can’t fall back asleep. He’s called me to be awake. He’s called me to walk in love, and do it all by His strength and in His grace. Because I cannot justify myself. Nothing that I do will ever been enough. But Jesus. Jesus came and died for me because I can’t. Because my sin is to much and I deserve death, but He’s called me out of death and into life. And it’s all because of grace. Now I live by faith in Him, because He has done it for me. I now live in faith through love. For Him. 


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