IBS 52 - LUKE 2:41

Now so it was that after three days they found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them and asking them questions.
Luke 2:46

We are in a constant state of learning. We never stop. Because we are human and lack understanding. And Jesus did the same, even though He was 100% man, He was also 100% God. He in a way put a veil over His Godlikeness and took on human form to be able to relate to us in all ways. He chose to learn as we did. He clung to His Father and learned from Him. He was continually seeking the Fathers face. In the same way we must. We can’t get by on our own. We must seek the Lord and be discipled by others. We lack understanding, wisdom, and knowledge. Yet we know that in Christ we can receive all those things. We must always be teachable because we will never stop learning. In His word there can always be something new. In life there will always be something else we need to be broken of, and His love for us is so big He will continue to do it. Because He is faithful to complete the work. 


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