and be found in Him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith;
Philippians 3:9
Identity. I have begun to learn what it means to forsake all my preconceived ideas of who I am and am supposed to be. Because I have gained Christ and the knowledge of His saving grace. So now I am found in Him. Because He is enough. He came in the flesh, fulfilled the Law. And now He is my righteousness because i am not enough. The thing is I seem to forget that. I seem to forget that it’s not me or my works or the rules I set for myself. But that He is enough and He sacrificed and He overcame it all on the cross. I don’t have to work my way into His love. It is by faith in Christ and there my righteousness is from God by faith. So I must believe in Him. I must believe His word. I must believe He is who He says He is. Because I don’t have to work for my righteousness. My righteousness is found in Him by faith. So there is no more striving. No more works. No need to be enough for myself or to rely on myself. Because He is enough. In Him I am found. In Him I’ve been made whole. In Him is my righteousness. In Him is my faith. He is my hope.
Application- I will write “ I find myself in You “ on my arm. Anna will keep me accountable.
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