IBS 8 - JAMES 1:5

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.
James 1:5

God is faithful. He faithfully gives, and He faithfully answers. He doesn’t leave us guessing. He in His perfect will and plan guides and gives. When we ask, in faith knowing He will answer, He gives. In learning IBS God has been faithful to provide wisdom. So many times I haven’t known how to even begin to understand what the word says. The words confuse me or the sentence structure throws me off. I start to over analyze and completely misunderstand what He’s really saying. His word is sharper than any two edged sword and it separates bone and marrow. It’s living and active and gives Hope. So I have to remember to ask Him, for wisdom and discernment. He wants to lead us through His word so we can know Him better. He wants to show us how much He has done to bring us to redemption. How He has written this love letter where every book and word has a thread of Love. How it’s for all of us, yet personally for us as individuals. He knows we are human and lack discernment and wisdom. So He desires for us to seek Him in His word so He can reveal the truth in His word. He is a good Father who desires for us to know Him and be known by Him. Even today sitting and writing this IBS I was unsure as to where to even begin. I didn’t really understand. So I prayed, and read and re read and even did some jumping jacks. I distracted myself and eventually came to the end of myself. I realized I was searching my own head and heart for something I could say instead of letting Him reveal His truth through His word. That He will faithfully answer if I seek Him.

Application- I will write what God has shown me in His word during my devo time in the morning on my arm so I can be reminded of it and apply it throughout the day. Tessia will keep me accountable.


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