IBS 12 - LUKE 21:19
By your endurance you will gain your lives.
Luke 21:19
The gaining of our lives will be through enduring. In the verses before it’s talking about end times, and what will be happening. The way mother and father and sister and brother will all turn against us. That we as Christians will be persecuted, for His name sake. But we are called to endure and press on. All over the New Testament it talks about the hardships we will face while here on this world. But Christ also encourages us to press on. For me to live is Christ to die is gain. When we count the cost. Counting our lives. Saying I will lay it all down. As much as it will hurt. Even so. I desire to seek You. When I say I give you my life, I want to mean it. Letting it not just be flippant words that come because “ it’s what you say “ but letting it be a way of life. Letting my sacrifice be unto Him. Knowing when I lose my life I will gain if. Because the riches of this world compare not to the glory of who He is. Not only in physical death, but in the laying down of things I count “ precious “. Laying my earthly wants and desires down for the sake of His name being heard in all the world. I so very often think I can be comfortable while losing my life. But to lose your life is uncomfortable, it’s not easy to let go of the things you “ enjoy “. He is calling us to a place of abandoning the things of old and taking up His cross, counting the cost in every moment. Knowing that persecution and trial and testing will come. But knowing He will be faithful in and through it all. To endure, persevere, to stand fast, and suffer long. It is something that produces patience and is something that God uses to continue to conform us into His image. He desires for us to seek Him in the midst of it. Because we must let go of the world to gain Him. Because we cannot serve two masters. And honestly there is only one that I know will never leave nor forsake me. So I will endure, I will press on and I will hold fast to the truth that He is with me as the trials come and keep going for His name sake. Losing myself more and more and finding my true self in Him.
Application- I will write “ count the cost “ on my arm and let it be a reminder for me through out the day. Anna will keep me accountable.
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